AI artificial intelligence, predict the future, build smart business!

How to make sales more intelligent and increase customer satisfaction
Artificial intelligence (AI) is subversive of our work patterns and lifestyles, all pioneers, no matter which industry or which job, can use artificial intelligence to give full play to their role.
Artificial Intelligence specializes in providing you with a scientific professional data service that analyzes all of your data and provides targeted forecasts and recommendations based on your business processes. In some cases, artificial intelligence can even automatically handle tasks, allowing you to have more time to maintain customer relationships.
The following is the application of artificial intelligence based on sales, service business scenarios:
To further improve the business efficiency of sales representatives.
Artificial intelligence provides you with a scientific and professional data service that helps you improve the best of your potential customers and best business opportunities to help you your work more intelligently and wisely.
Provide active services in each channel.
Artificial intelligence can be personalized with the customer service exchange, to subvert the traditional customer experience mordel.

Create more predictive marketing processes.
With Artificial Intelligence, you can send the right content to the target audience at the right time.
Use machine learning and artificial intelligence analysis to discover the customer's deep information, identify key trends, and bring business efficiencies to a higher level, making diagnostics, predictions and actions faster.
Increase the average value of orders, improve the conversion rate of anonymous visitors to the website, to more quickly recommend the most appropriate products, content or promotions to each channel and each customer.

Artificial intelligence can automatically analyze the mood and emotions of social interaction information around the world, and determine whether it is spam, so as to effectively manage social interaction.
The use of machine learning technology audience analysis and audience model analysis, to understand the characteristics of customers, for each of the market activities to select the most appropriate audience.
Based on machine learning and depth model analysis, automatically identify new audiences, find the most appropriate channels, information and activities to further improve the audience conversion rate.
Find hidden information in your data.
Identify relevant patterns in your data to predict future trends and keep track of the next best sales, service, or market trends.

Einstein Data Discovery
It is not necessary to use a trial-and-error approach based on hypothesis analysis to automatically verify all variable data combinations and extract valid information in millions of data sets.
Reduce the difficulty of sales forecast, so that you can more targeted to provide marketing services to customers.
Get predictive information and take advantage of time-saving tasks for automatic processing, and many tools can help you provide a unique personalized recommendation to every shopper.
Einstein Commerce Insights
Einstein can help you optimize your customer experience by showing your customers' actions based on shoppers, orders and product data, identifying the most appropriate products and offers.

Einstein Email
Recommend products according to the e-mail recipient to improve the average sales revenue from each recipient.
Einstein Recommendations
Create a unique customer experience in the mobile side and the desktop, eliminating the hard labor sales, improve sales revenue from each visitor.
This committed to building a specific scene for the customer artificial intelligence (AI) applications.

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